Variations Choir


Our Practice Meetings are at the Methodist Church in School Lane, Kettering every Thursday evening starting at 7:30pm.
Why not come along and see if you enjoy singing with us.
Click here to see the details for our next concert at the United Reformed Church on June 29th



A very warm welcome to the Variations Choir website.  On these pages you can learn a little of our history,  see some photographs of us in action on the Photos page, and find details of how to contact us. You can learn more about how the choir was formed on the About Us page.

Covid hit us hard and we are always looking for new members - male members, tenors and basses are particularly wanted.  Come and try it - you will have a lot of fun - we do. You do not need to be able to read music, (though of course it helps) but you do need enthusiasm and a love of all sorts of music.  We usually do two or three concerts a year held at a local church.

If you are interested please ring Christine on 01536 513548 or click on the Contact Us email link and send us an email.  We will be in touch as soon as possible.


Our Musical Director Christine


 If you find any links which don't work or any spelling mistakes, PLEASE contact me by email - click on my name Alan Bailey- The WebMaster.